Running for a Cause

Emeka Iloegbu is a first-year Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) student focusing on leadership and the quality of infectious disease activities in emergency and humanitarian settings. He holds an MSc in Forced Migration and Health from Columbia University and an MPH in Global Health from Mount Sinai. He received specialized training in humanitarian aid and field epidemiology from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School for Public Health and Implementation Science in Tropical Disease Research from the World Health Organization. Emeka has over ten years of experience responding to health emergencies in partnership with in-country NGOs and has contributed to field operations and policy discussions domestically and internationally.

“The pillars supporting Refuge’s mission focusing on health promotion, scholarship, and mentorship has a synergetic effect on the expansion of opportunities for refugee students who otherwise are unaccounted for in curriculum development and training”
– Emeka

Emeka will be running in the NYRR Run as One 4M on April 2nd to raise awareness for refugee education accessibility. Your donation will go directly towards academic scholarships for refugee students.

Make a Donation

Donate to support our work in making education accessible for refugee youth! Your gift will help us in creating welcoming communities through mentorship, health promotion and scholarship